2013 Counts Reunion Meeting Minutes

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72nd Counts Family Reunion

August 3, 2013



The 72nd Counts Family Reunion was held on August 3, 2013 at the Breaks Interstate Park in Shelter #8.  President Monika Fleming preside and gave the welcome.  The reunion was opened with a prayer by Randy Miller and everyone said the pledge of allegiance and san the traditional America the Beautiful. 

 Davine Miller read the minutes and gave the treasurer’s report for Gail Marney.  The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $575.67.

 Families introduced themselves and shared.  Monika encouraged attendees to look at and identify pictures.

 Veterans were recognized and Harold Powers was the oldest at 79.  Maxine Fuller had the most with 7 in attendance.  The youngest member was Clifford Mahone -14.  Maxine Fuller was the oldest at 92.  The Tim Counts family from New Mexico was given the prize for traveling the farthest.

 Elections were held for officers.  Sue Counts was elected president;  Davine Miller, 1st vice president and Patti Conner, 2nd vice president;  Gail Marney, secretary/treasurer.

 The site of the next reunion will be the Breaks Interstate Park on Saturday August 2, 2014.

 New Business:  Maxine Fuller made a motion to continue support for the maintenance of the Counts Cemetary in Cleveland, VA. Of $100.   $138 was collected for the Reunion account. 

 About 30 people attended the reunion and enjoyed a wonderful meal of hamburgers and hot dogs prepared by Raymond Compton.

 Minutes by Davine Miller